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Doctor Who CDs: 4th Doctor 8.1 Syndicate Masterplan 1 CD

by Smith, Andrew et al

4th Doctor 8.1 Syndicate Masterplan 1 CD
Price: £35.00
Format: CD
ISBN: 1787032897
Released: 2019
Size: 4 discs
Runtime: 240 mins
Sinestran Kill: When the Doctor decides to trace an anomalous energy signature on twentieth century Earth, he stumbles into an assassination attempt.
Planet of the Drashigs: When the TARDIS lands on an alien planet, the Doctor's intentions to show Ann Kelso an advanced future society are thrown into disarray. Because they have arrived on DrashigWorld - a park where every known species of the terrifying predators has been gathered together to entertain and thrill the public. The familiar wetland Drashigs, the albino burrowing Drashigs of the desert, and deadliest of all, the tiny Emerald Drashigs of the rain forests.
Enchantress of Numbers: The TARDIS lands in the grounds of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, in 1850. Mistaken for a medic and his maid, the Doctor and Ann are brought to meet Ada Lovelace - the mother of computing and daughter of Lord Byron - who has recently fallen ill.
False Guardian: Ann Kelso doesn't like mysteries. Keen to investigate the trail of the Sinestrans, she sets the TARDIS on a new course... but flies into danger.