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Doctor Who Books: Time-Travelling Almanac Book (Hardback)

by Guerrier, Simon

Time-Travelling Almanac Book (Hardback)
Price: £16.99
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 1785949173
Released: 2024
Size: 250 pages
'The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour and the entire planet is hurtling round the Sun at 67,000 miles an hour ? and I can feel it.' - The Doctor
The Time-Travelling Almanac is your essential companion on this 'trip around the Sun' we call a 'year'. It's packed full of useful tips, information and timey-wimey stuff to guide and illuminate the voyage. Month by month you can sport constellations, identify shooting stars and mark daily Doctor Who debuts, birthdays and anniversaries!
And there's so much more. At which hour are the Sea Devils most likely to attack? What do the Daleks predict for your future? When has the Doctor's timeline converged with the Beatles? And how are 'July' and 'August' related to days being ersased from existence - more than once?